Lessons in Leadership - Stockroom to the Boardroom. Brought to you by www.marcpetitpas.com
Lessons in Leadership - Stockroom to the Boardroom. Brought to you by www.marcpetitpas.com
Lessons in Leadership - Episode #17 with TJ Cieciura. President and Owner of Design Plan Services Inc
Listen closely to this episode to hear from one of the great leaders out there. TJ identifies himself as an accidental leader and servant leadership has played a huge role in his journey to success.
Full disclosure : He is an amazing client of mine but that is not why I invited him to this podcast.
The rapid growth of his business comes from his ability to build on his organization's stellar forty year history ( started by his father Ted) and take it to the next level by delivering to his clients via investing in his team and implementing servant leadership while leveraging the strategic planning process...
He is just a good human being. Combine that with amazing leadership, caring for his team, a great strategic approach, and its no wonder their growth is off the charts.
The concept of small failures toughening up your skin and making you better really stood out to me.
Enjoy this episode with TJ Cieciura - President and Owner , DPS Inc
Lessons In Leadership - Stockroom to the Boardroom
Brought you by www.marcpetitpas.com in partnership with www.getcatapulted.com
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Behaviours and Strategy Drive Results
The Marc Petitpas Group is proud to present : Lessons in Leadership
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